Terms and Conditions

This event, Cheek to Cheek (hereafter referred to as C2C), is organized by the C2C team in Taiwan (hereafter referred to as the Organizer). You can contact the Organizer via email at c2cswing@gmail.com or by calling +886922121733 (Yoyo).

Comply with Regulations

  1. These Terms and Conditions constitute an agreement between the Organizer and you (the individual registering for this C2C event). By participating in any part or role of the C2C event, you accept and agree to these terms.
  2. By attending or registering for C2C, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions and the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan), as well as the Code of Conduct. During the event, if you engage in any illegal activities or violate the aforementioned rules, you will be legally liable, and the Organizer may require you to leave or take appropriate actions or assist in taking actions according to the situation.


  1. Ticket Purchase and Registration: You must purchase tickets through our ticketing system (OEN). The event entry QR code will be stored in your account, and please present the entry QR code when entering the event. To use the ticketing system, you must also agree to the relevant provisions of the OEN ticketing system, which are unrelated to C2C registration and event content.
  2. Payment Terms: The payment method for C2C is a one-time payment of 100% of the amount, which you must complete in the ticketing system (OEN). Please note that event tickets are non-refundable and cannot be canceled after purchase.


  1. Participation Agreement: By agreeing to participate in a workshop, you agree to follow the instructions and guidance provided by the instructors, Organizer, and their staff during the course.
  2. Demo Recap: Demo Recaps recorded with the permission of the instructors or Organizer may not be publicly shared or released through any means or channels without the permission of both the instructors and Organizer.
  3. Prohibition on Sharing Workshop Courses: If you purchase a Full Pass or Class Pass, you are prohibited from reselling or sharing any part or all of the workshop courses with others.


  1. Participation Agreement: By agreeing to participate in the competition, you agree to follow the competition rules and the ranking methods we adopt.
  2. Competition Participation Identity: All competitions will be scheduled during the C2C event period (including preliminary and final rounds), and you must have a ball participation status to compete.
  3. Final Round Qualification: If you reach the final round, you must follow the designated meeting time and place set by the Organizer. If you fail to arrive at the specified time, the Organizer may cancel your final round qualification.

Transfer Ticket

  1. Transfer Procedure: If you need to transfer your C2C event ticket to someone else, please do so through the OEN account. Refer to the relevant documents for detailed transfer procedures and operations. Read More
  2. Transfer Restrictions: If the ticket you purchased includes workshop courses, when transferring the event ticket, it must be transferred to a third party with the same role (Leader/Follower).

General Terms

  1. Information Privacy: The personal information you provide to the Organizer for participating in the C2C event will be collected, processed, and used by the Organizer for the purpose of holding the C2C event. C2C promises not to disclose any personal information in any public domain, including our website and social media platforms. You may choose freely whether to provide the relevant personal information; however, if you refuse to provide necessary information required for the Organizer's business or operations, the Organizer may not be able to carry out the necessary business or operations and may temporarily suspend providing services to you.
  2. Theft and Property Loss: The Organizer assumes no responsibility for damage or theft of personal belongings during the event.
  3. Injury and Liability Waiver: The Organizer provides basic accident insurance for the event. Participation in the event indicates that you are aware of and voluntarily assume the risks that may arise from engaging in physical activities, including but not limited to sprains, strains, falls, or other accidental injuries. Unless directly caused by gross negligence or intentional acts of the Organizer, you agree to waive the Organizer's liability for any accidental injuries or losses. If you need emergency medical assistance or face a serious health condition during the event, please contact us immediately, and we will do our best to assist with follow-up matters.
  4. Use of Photos/Videos: Any photos or videos published by the Organizer may be freely used by you without the need to credit the source on social media, although we encourage you to tag C2C or the Organizer to support our event.
  5. Event Changes: The Organizer reserves the right to make changes or cancel the C2C event.
  6. Force Majeure: The Organizer is not responsible for changes or cancellations of C2C events, courses, processes, etc., due to uncontrollable events (such as natural disasters or emergencies).
  7. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is found invalid, it does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

本活動 Cheek to Cheek(以下稱為 C2C),由台灣的 C2C 團隊(以下稱為活動主辦方)主辦,您可以通過電子郵件 c2cswing@gmail.com 或致電 +886922121733(Yoyo)與活動主辦方進行聯繫。

遵守規範 Comply with regulations

  1. 此份 Terms and Conditions 是活動主辦方與您(即報名本次 C2C 活動之個人)間的約定。一旦您參加 C2C 活動的任何部分或擔任任何角色,即表示您接受並同意這些條款。
  2. 通過參加或報名 C2C,您同意除遵守此份遵守 Terms and Conditions 及中華民國法律外,也同意遵守 Code of Conduct。在活動期間,若您參與任何違法行為或違反前述規定,應自負法律責任,且活動主辦方可能要求您離開或根據情況依法採取或協助採取相關行動。

活動報名 Registration

  1. 購票與報名:您必須在我們的售票系統 (OEN) 中購買活動票券。活動的入場 QR 碼將儲存在您的帳戶中,並請於活動入場時出示入場 QR Code。為使用售票系統,您需額外同意 OEN 售票系統之相關規定,該規定與 C2C 報名與活動內容無涉。
  2. 支付條款:C2C 的支付方式是一次性支付 100% 的金額,您必須在售票系統 (OEN) 中完成支付。請注意,活動門票售出後不接受退款與取消。

工作坊 Workshop

  1. 參加協議:當您同意參加工作坊時,您同意遵守授課教師、活動主辦及其工作人員在課程期間提供的指示與說明。
  2. Demo Recap:經過授課教師或活動主辦的允許所錄製的 Demo Recap,在未經授課教師及活動主辦的允許下,仍禁止通過任何方式或於任何管道公開分享或發布 Workshop 期間錄製的 Demo Recap。
  3. 禁止共用工作坊課程:如果您購買了 Full Pass 或 Class Pass,不得將其中工作坊課程全部或部分拆售予他人或將工作坊課程與他人共用。

比賽 Competition

  1. 參加協議:當你同意參與比賽時,您同意遵守比賽規則和我們所採取的排名方法。
  2. 比賽參與身分:所有的比賽都會安排在 C2C 活動期間內(包括初賽和決賽),您必須具有舞會參與身份才能參加比賽。
  3. 決賽入圍:如果您進入決賽階段,您必須遵守活動主辦方制定的指定集合時間和地點,如您未能在指定時間抵達,活動主辦方得取消您的決賽資格。

轉讓 Transfer Ticket

  1. 轉讓程序:如您有需要將您的 C2C 活動票券轉讓給他人,請透過 OEN 帳戶進行轉讓,詳細轉讓程序與操作請參考相關文件
  2. 轉讓限制:如您購買的票種包括工作坊課程,轉讓該票種活動票券時,必須是轉讓給相同角色(Leader/Follower)的第三人。

其他條款 General Terms

  1. 訊隱私:您因參加 C2C 活動所提供給活動主辦方的個人資訊,由活動主辦方基於C2C活動舉辦之目的,對您的個人資料進行蒐集、處理、利用。C2C 承諾不會在任何公開領域,包括我們的網站和社交媒體平台上披露任何個人資訊。您得自由選擇是否提供相關個人資料,惟您所拒絕提供之個人資料,若是活動主辦方辦理業務或作業所需之必要資料,活動主辦方可能無法進行必要的業務或作業而礙難提供相關服務,並有權暫時停止提供對您之服務。
  2. 盜竊與財物損失:活動主辦方對於活動期間的個人物品損壞或盜竊不承擔任何責任。
  3. 傷害及責任免除:活動主辦方為活動提供基本的意外保險。參加活動表示您已知悉並自願承擔參與體能活動可能帶來的風險,包括但不限於扭傷、拉傷、跌倒或其他意外受傷。除非因 活動主辦方的重大過失或故意行為導致的直接損害,否則您同意免除 活動主辦方因任何意外傷害或損失所引起的法律責任。如果您在活動期間需要緊急醫療協助或面臨嚴重的健康狀況,請立即聯繫我們,我們將儘力協助後續事項。
  4. 照片/影片使用:活動主辦方發布的任何照片或影片您可自由使用,無需在社交媒體上註明來源,但我們鼓勵您標註C2C或活動主辦方,以支持我們的活動。
  5. 活動變更:活動主辦方保留對 C2C 進行變更以及取消的權利。
  6. 不可抗力:活動主辦方對於因不可控制的事件(如自然災害或緊急情況)引起C2C活動、課程、流程等變更或取消不負責任。
  7. 本 Terms and Conditions所定之任何條款之全部或一部無效時,不影響其他條款之效力。
