Code of Conduct

All participants of Cheek to Cheek (hereafter referred to as C2C), including attendees, instructors, staff, vendors, or any individuals and organizations involved in this event in any capacity, must agree to and abide by this Code of Conduct. The C2C organizers will strictly enforce the following guidelines in all activities and programs, which apply to all event venues and content during C2C, including but not limited to dance parties, classes, swing competitions, and C2C online media.

Participation in the event indicates that you have read, understood, and agree to accept the contents of this Code of Conduct. C2C reserves the right to amend this Code of Conduct, and the revised content will take effect upon announcement.

Code of Conduct

  1. We welcome everyone, regardless of race, age, appearance, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, belief, marital status, mental condition, or physical ability. We do not tolerate any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, misogyny, or any discriminatory behavior or language.
  2. We strictly prohibit any form of physical, verbal, or sexual violence, as well as any harassment.
  3. During dancing, please refrain from interfering with others' dance moves or offering dance advice unless specifically requested. If you need to provide advice, please be mindful of your tone, language, and manner of expression.
  4. Do not film or record others dancing without their explicit permission.
  5. When music is playing or a band is performing, please do not cross through the middle of the dance floor. Move around the perimeter of the dance floor to ensure the safety of yourself and other participants.
  6. While on the dance floor, dance safely to avoid collisions, pushing, or using high-risk dance moves (such as Airsteps), and always be mindful of your partner's and other participants' safety and comfort.
  7. Please respect everyone’s personal boundaries and be attentive to others' dance experiences. If you feel uncomfortable during dancing, you can directly inform your partner to stop the behavior, or choose to leave immediately. You are not obligated to provide any explanation to your partner.
  8. Please properly dispose of any waste generated during the event and follow proper waste sorting and recycling practices.
  9. If you engage in behavior that violates the "Code of Conduct" or creates a sense of insecurity for other participants during the event, the organizers may take action based on individual circumstances, including but not limited to asking you to leave the C2C event or banning you from future events. Additionally, if you engage in any illegal activity or violate the Code of Conduct during the event, you will be held legally responsible.

Safe Space

If you experience any inappropriate behavior during this event or in any context related to the swing dance community, we encourage you to seek help from the organizers or anyone you trust. You may also contact the following members of the "Safe Space" team, and we will provide assistance based on established principles and procedures:

  • When contacting Safe Space members:

    • We will respond and initiate a conversation within 24 hours of receiving your message
    • The notified Safe Space member will involve two individuals with diverse backgrounds (e.g., gender, identity, organization) in the process
    • All conversations and procedures will be conducted in a private and secure environment

  • When handled by Safe Space members, we can assist with the following:

    • Clarifying and investigating the incident, gathering and organizing relevant information
    • Communicating and conveying messages within the community, including to organizers, perpetrators, or any involved parties
    • Providing recommended actions, assisting in their implementation, and tracking the outcomes

  • Safe Space commitments:

    • Protecting your privacy; all content will not be disclosed to others (including Safe Space members) without your consent
    • Providing emotional support, following principles of accompaniment and empathy, to ensure you feel respected and understood during the process
    • Remaining neutral in each case, avoiding unnecessary commentary, and developing specialized responses and recommendations

Safe Space Team Members

Ko, Hua Zeng (TapLife), HsiaoHsiao (ig: hsiao2lang), DD (Friday Swing), Eyes (TapLife), Ian (Big Apple), Jason (he/him Switch Taipei), Kevin (Swing Formosa), Miko, Yang (ig: iamyangtw), Yoyo

所有參加 Cheek to Cheek(以下稱為 C2C)活動的人員,包括參加者、授課教師、工作人員、供應商,或以任何形式參與本次活動的人員與組織,均需同意並遵守此行為準則。C2C 主辦單位將在所有活動和節目中嚴格執行以下規範,這些規範適用於C2C進行期間所有活動場地及內容,包括但不限於舞會、課程、搖擺競賽,以及C2C網路媒體等。

參與活動即表示您已閱讀、理解並同意接受本行為準則之內容。C2C 有權修改本行為準則,修訂後的內容一經公告即生效。

Code of Conduct

  1. 我們歡迎所有人,無論種族、年齡、外表、性別認同、性取向、宗教、宗教信仰、婚姻狀況、精神狀況或身體能力等背景。我們不容忍任何形式的種族主義、恐同、恐跨性別、性別歧視、厭女言行或任何歧視言行。
  2. 我們嚴禁任何形式的肢體、言語、性暴力以及任何騷擾行為。
  3. 在跳舞的過程中,除非對方主動要求,請不要干涉他人的舞蹈動作或給予舞蹈建議。如果有必要提供建議,請注意描述、措辭、以及表達方式的禮貌性。
  4. 未經對方明示許可下,請勿拍攝或錄製他人跳舞的影片。
  5. 在音樂播放或樂團演出時,請勿穿越舞池中間,而應沿著舞池周圍移動,以維護您與活動參與者的安全。
  6. 在舞池中請保持安全跳舞,避免發生碰撞、推擠或使用高風險的舞蹈動作(如 Airstep 等),並請時刻注意您與舞伴及其他活動參與者的安全和舒適感。
  7. 請尊重每個人的身體界限,並注意他人的跳舞感受。如您在跳舞過程中感到不適,您可以直接向舞伴說明並要求停止其行為,或選擇直接離開,您無向舞伴提供任何解釋之責任。
  8. 請妥善處理您在活動中產生的垃圾,進行正確的垃圾分類與回收。
  9. 如您在活動中有「Code of Conduct」或「造成其他參與者有不安全感」之行為,活動主辦方得根據個案情況採取行動,包括但不限於請您離開C2C活動,或禁止您參與未來的活動。此外在活動期間,若您有任何違法行為或違反Code of Conduct,應自負法律責任。

Safe Space

如果您在本次活動或任何與搖擺舞社群相關的場合內遭受不當對待,我們鼓勵您向主辦單位或任何您信任的人求助。您也可以聯繫以下署名之「安全空間」(Safe Space)的成員,我們將根據既定的原則與程序提供協助:

  • 開始與 Safe Space 的成員聯繫時:

    • 在收到訊息的 24 小時內回覆並開啟對話
    • 由收到通知之 Safe Space 成員,組成兩名具有多樣性背景(如性別、身份、組織等)的人員參與
    • 所有對話和過程都會在私密且安全的環境中進行

  • 經由 Safe Space 成員處理時,我們能協助以下:

    • 釐清和調查事件,收集並整理相關資訊
    • 向社群內人員溝通和轉達訊息,包括組織者、加害者或任何關聯人
    • 提供建議行動,協助執行並追蹤結果

  • Safe Space 承諾:

    • 保護你的隱私,所有內容未經同意下,不會透露給其他人(包含 Safe Space 成員)
    • 提供情感支持,以陪伴與同理為原則,確保你在處理過程中感受到尊重和理解
    • 針對每個事件,保持中立,避免不必要評論,制定專門的應對行動與建議

Safe Space 署名成員

大柯 Ko、曾樺(TapLife)蕭蕭(ig: hsiao2lang)DD(Friday Swing)Eyes(TapLife)Ian(Big Apple)Jason(he/him Switch Taipei)Kevin(Swing Formosa)MikoYang(ig: iamyangtw)Yoyo 
